Wehle on presidential immunity, Laser on Bible teaching in Oklahoma schools, Drew on the NFL Sunday Ticket, Delfino on celebrity deepfakes, and much more

University of Baltimore School of Law Professor Kimberly Wehle joins Rich and Tina to discuss the Supreme Court’s recent decision on presidential immunity.

Loyola Marymount Law School Associate Dean for Clinical Programs and Experiential Learning and Director of Moot Court Programs Rebecca Delfino joins Legal Face-Off to discuss the latest with celebrity deepfakes.

University at Buffalo School of Law Professor of Practice in Sports Law and Director of the UB Center for the Advancement of Sport Helen Drew discusses the recent antitrust ruling involving the NFL and the Sunday Ticket.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State President and CEO Rachel Laser discusses the recently issued requirement for Oklahoma public schools to teach the Bible.

In the Legal Grab Bag, Tina and Rich are joined by Service First Medical Chief Operating Officer Kori Theusch and Ion PT Network Founder and CEO Joe Noel to discuss the latest with Trump watch, Alec Baldwin’s “Rust” trial, Nirvana’s smiley face lawsuit, the Chicago Cubs v. rooftop owners, and much more.

Listen to the full podcast on WGN Radio.

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